December 16, 2007

LC3 Week 1: Welcome Back! – We’ve got a new website!

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:56 am by precore

Welcome back!

To start a new semester there is nothing better to be provided a new tool that will considerably help you to become high standard students. We now have access to a new website that contains lots of amazing features:


  • you will have a dedicated page for each topic you are taking
  • you will be able to edit special pages such as the project pages.
  • each section is provided a dedicated space in which students will be responsible to edit content and upload files.
  • special pages about nutrition and health are provided.
  • you will have access to forums to discuss issues with other students and the teachers.
  • students from PreCORE will have the possibility to chat (in both campuses)
  • and more ….


  1. Go to your new website:
  2. Check the different entries in the left menu especially: Mathematics and Maths.
  3. Check the forum page.
  4. Check the chatroom.
  5. Click on your section in the top menu and click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. You are now able to modify the content of the page. Once you are done, click on Publish.

Click on your section in the top menu and click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. You are now able to modify the content of the page. Once you are done, click on Publish.

Do not hesitate to go on the website from home. Do not also hesitate to add as much information as you want. This website is available, it would be a pity not to use it!

December 11, 2007

Enjoy the Holidays!

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:05 am by precore


Time to relax and enjoy family life.
You all deserve a long break after all the good work you provided.
See you at the beginning of January,
relaxed, full of energy and strongly motivated for a successful second semester.
I promise you nice suprises … with a new website.
In case you have a bit of spare time, you can work on your website.
The best three websites will be rewarded …


December 6, 2007

LC2 Exam – Questions?

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:48 am by precore


Do not hesitate to leave your questions on the website, I will do my best to answer as quickly as possible.

Write your questions in the comment section.

Don’t forget to study:

  1. Common factors and GCF
  2. Mixed Numbers and improper fractions
  3. Add/subtract fractions
  4. Simplest form/equivalent fractions
  5. Measurement
  6. Textbook 1.1: Variables and expressions
  7. Textbook 1.2: Order of Operations
  8. Textbook 1.4: Properties of Multiplication, addition and equality
  9. Textbook 1.5: Distributive property
  10. Textbook 1.6: Associative/Commutative properties

Good Luck!

Question from Fatma  Al Naqar – Section C


Dear Mr. Kevin


1.  I’m not sure about the answer of the Question in page 3 of the 2nd Quiz (Q4) it was about the flu is it … 8x+27y ???

Actually, I accepted two answers. I accepted 4x+9y (people started counting on Monday) and I also accepted 8x+27y (including Sunday). The text is not clear enough to accept only one answer.

2.   for what Khadegah asked, I have the same Question but……..

If we have the property as multiplicative identity or additive identity or any property else than substitution .. do we have to write it as substitution too?? plus the real property for example 7. 0=0 the property then would be multiplicative property of 0. do we have to add substitution too ( mentioning that we have to do that for almost all the changes we do in each step).or just give the priority for what the expression really present?



=6+0 (multiplicative property of zero AND substitution)

=6      (additive identity AND substitution) 

However, it is not such a big deal if you do not mention the substitution property since we focus more on the other properties. As you say, the substitution property is everywhere! 

3. for the measurements, there are some obvious Questions that we can solve without hesitation, but there are others that I really can’t distinguish whether the answer is right or wrong. for example:

” the mass of a dollar bill would best measured in………”

I wrote gram but it was milligrams (after measuring it with the balance in class) and in another question ” A small paper clip has a mass of about 1………..”

I wrote milligrams but it was gram ( after measuring) so how can we guess the right answer for such questions?

 Don’t worry about it. I agree with you that the mentioned questions are a little confusing. The questions in the exam will be clear, no room for doubt!

and.. thank you!!

 An .. your welcome!




Question from Khadega – Section C

Dear Mr,Kevin,
How are you? If you don’t mind I want to ask you a simple question.

Is it necessary to write the property substitution in each step of the

My answer

Hi Khadega!

It is indeed recommended to specify when you use the substitution property.

Good Luck!
