November 12, 2007

LC2 – Week 3 – Class 2: Introduction to Microsoft Publisher – 2003

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:19 am by precore



Did you enjoy the trip to Ibn Battuta Mall? Did you have time to complete your project? Did you take a lot of pictures?

It is now time to think about preparing your flyer. What is a flyer? How can you make a good flyer?


A flyer is defined as ‘A small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement‘ (Wikitionary –

7 Advices to make a good Flyer

1. Write a snappy headline or title.
Make it memorable, unusual or provocative using a few carefully chosen powerful words. Popular titles contain one or more of these words: Easy, The Secrets to, Unlock, Finally, Insider, Time Sensitive, How to, Free Bonuses, Now You Can, Discover, Proven.

2. Use colorful or striking graphics.
One large image will have more impact than many smaller images. A stunning photo or illustration grabs attention, creates a mood, and supports your story. This image is your “focal point” and will draw your readers in. You can purchase inexpensive but quality stock photos on the Internet. Download individual photos or purchase a CD with hundreds of images.

3. Use compelling testimonials and case studies.
Nothing strikes a chord like an endorsement from a happy person, especially if it demonstrates the results they’ve had with what you are advertising. Be sure to include the first and last name, company name and location of the person providing the endorsement.

4. Organize your page with boxes, borders and areas of contrasting colors.
You don’t need to fill your flyer with wall-to-wall text and graphics. Incorporate some white space to make certain elements stand out and to make the flyer easy to read.

5. Make your points easily identifiable.
Highlight titles and subtitles in bold, but avoid using ALL CAPS because they are more difficult to read.

6. Don’t get too complicated.
Make it simple with two typefaces, and align items to a grid. Your page layout program will provide non-printing guidelines. Use the “snap to guidelines” function to align items easily to the grid. Be aware of printing margins. I suggest you create your layout with 1/2″ margins on all sides, or add 1/8″ for bleeds on items that print off the edge of the page.

7. Don’t forget to proofread.
Have someone else proofread your work. Check your contact information. Dial the phone numbers on the flyer to make sure they are correct, and type in the URL of your website to make sure it is correct, too.


Designing a flyer using MS. Publisher

Microsoft Publisher is the most appropriate software to design any kind of brochures or else flyers. Have you ever used it?

Here are some online resources that will introduce you to Microsoft Publisher 2003:

Here is a tutorial to design flyers using Microsoft Publisher 2003. Follow and the instructions (see link). publisher-2003-tutorial.doc

I hope you had a nice Microsoft Publisher experience!





  1. ryan ramy said,

    Thanks alot mr. Keven for this amazing website .

  2. Ranya said,

    Thans so much for helping us .

  3. Qamar said,

    i’m really happy to see a website for our precore programme. your links has really helped us with our science projects so thanks alot…

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